
ClevelandSmiles Featured on “Live on Lakeside”

Our office has recently been featured on WKYC/Channel 3's new morning show, "Live on Lakeside," hosted by Michael Cardemone, Holly Strano, and Joe Cronauer.  They have visited with us in our imaging and treatment rooms, focusing on the new techniques and materials in dentistry, including the Cadent Itero digital imaging system for impressions, the Dexis [...]

By |2012-11-29T10:00:28-05:00November 29th, 2012|Appearances|0 Comments

New Flatscreen TVs in the Treatment & Reception Rooms

We've received some nice feedback on our newsletter (where we highlighted our blogs). We would welcome any thoughts on topics we might cover here or in future newsletters on our office and your Cleveland dental care. An item we mentioned in "Smile Update" was our new flatscreen monitors in the treatment and reception rooms. They [...]

By |2019-12-18T17:32:06-05:00June 20th, 2011|Appearances, News, Patients|0 Comments

Learn More About Our New Navigator Laser

We love our new Navigator laser.  Wendy and I just spent time at the Ivolclar company in Buffalo getting advanced training on it and are even more thrilled with the opportunities with it; from gum contouring to help with painless canker sore removal.  For more on how the Navigator laser, watch our appearance on WKYC's [...]

Join Our Wall of Fame

We've recently had a number of patients featured in both articles and photos in "The Cleveland Plain Dealer," "Cleveland Magazine," and the "Currents" edition of "The Sun Press,"  "The Sun Messenger," and the internet.  When we see them, we try and print/cut them out and put them on our bulletin board.  If you or your [...]

By |2019-12-18T17:34:12-05:00February 7th, 2011|Appearances, News, Patients|0 Comments
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